As we approach this new season, I believe that God will also introduce us to some new doors. New doors represent new opportunities and what you decide to do with these new opportunities is totally up to you. God often reminds us in his word that he will do a new thing (Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in desert, Isaiah 43:19-KJV). As individuals, we can't go into these new opportunities with the same old mindset. A mind shift must take place for one to embrace the great things that lie ahead.
You may ask how do I go about obtaining this new mind shift. I will be the first to tell you that it takes work, commitment, and consistency. Often in life, we must deprogram and reprogram our mind to think in a way that it has never done before. Paul even tells us in the bible that he had to forget some things behind him and start reaching for those things before him (Philippians 3:13). Sometimes in life, the only way for us to move forward is to forget some things that we have been taught or experienced in life. This process isn't always easy; however, it is often necessary for us to advance to the next level that God has for us. Many individuals will never move to the next level of life because they have a hard time letting go of the past. I am here to tell you, do not allow your history to hold you hostage. Your future awaits you, and you can't move on to new things with an old mindset.
As we enter into this new season, I challenge you that you begin to do some spring cleaning and get rid of those things that have caused you to stay stuck and stagnated in an uncomfortable place. God wants more from you, and he has placed a purpose on your life, so this is your opportunity to tap into that purpose and begin to live as God has created you to do so. Stop allowing an old mindset to keep you from reaching your destiny.
When the children of Israel left Egypt (Exodus-12), God closed the door to Egypt and opened the door of a land flowing with milk and honey; however, because of their old mindset, most of them never witnessed the greatness that God had for them. I petition you today, do not allow that to be your testimony. It is a new season so let's begin it with a new mindset.
-Michella Chambers